The Steak King Visits A Vague Idea Podcast

Barb and I were humbled and honored to visit the hallowed halls where A Vague Idea Podcast is recorded.

It seems like everyone has a podcast these days - and half the time it’s just a bunch of people sitting around listening to themselves toot their own horns. A Vague Idea is different.

The premise is simple. Fearless leader Nate Ragolia invites regular guests Shannon Paige and John Peros to answer trivia questions that he carefully crafted for that week. In our case, all of his questions were meat-related, because - OF COURSE.

But he went a step beyond asking us our favorite cuts of meat. His questions stretched our imaginations, stumped us, and were very punny all around.

Check out the latest episode of A Vague Idea below, and subscribe to all their podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Play.