Greetings Steak Nation!
A few members of #steaknation have been wondering how they can get their story turned into a video. Here’s a handy guide for you #steakstorytellers out there.
How to Get the Steak King to Turn Your Story into a Video
How the Steak King Chooses a Story
Of all the crazy stories we get, there are a bunch of factors we use to narrow them down to ones we can actually produce. Here they are in a nutshell.
For now, Instagram limits videos on your feed to 60 seconds. There have been some AMAZING story submissions, but we had to rule them out because they were just too long. We might look into IGTV at some point, but for now we’re sticking with the one-minute video content.
While it’s hilarious to imagine someone having sex with, or masturbating to a steak - there’s no chance in hell The Steak Queen or I will ever do this … on camera.
We like when your stories have a bit of dialouge, even if it’s just someone thinking aloud. It makes it easier for us to do this Drunk History-style.
A good punchline makes it easier to end the video on a high note.
If punchlines aren’t your thing, that’s ok. We still are on the lookout for a definitive conclusion. You know how sometimes an SNL skit falls flat because there’s no real end to the skit? We want to avoid that.
This isn’t really something you as storytellers can control, but if we don’t have anyone to fill parts, then we can’t do the story. We’re pretty pumped that @1ukewilson’s story was selected, because we are heading out of town to visit some friends in a few weeks who are PERFECT for the part. (Hopefully they’re willing to play ball!)
Also, we have no budget. We’re currently bribing our friends with steak and booze to be in our videos. So once that well dries up, I guess we’ll have to make new friends!
Even if we do have a cast, we need to find a time to film. Filming a one minute video takes at least 2 hours, so it can be hard to schedule time. We might have to put a story on hold for weeks until the whole cast can sync up.
How to Submit a Video to Steak King
If you have a story idea, you can always comment on one of our posts. We try our best to read every single one of them, but if you post right after #themachine posts an Open Tabs, your story might get lost in the shuffle. We tend to get a million likes and comments all at the same time when he comes up with a wacky idea for you. You might have better luck of us seeing your comment if you post a day or two after Open Tabs posts.
Direct Message
DM us! We’ll write back.
You can also contact me via the the Steak King contact page or email me -
We love all your submissions, comments, tags, logos, everything! Keep it coming! Even if we don’t like or comment on everything, that doesn’t mean we don’t see it or appreciate it. There’s just so much coming in, getting to everyone is tough.
Until next time - eat more steak.
Courtesy of @handfulofsteak